It is a known fact that many people put on a bit of weight during the winter months. Whether this is because of the cold weather killing our motivation to keep active or whether it is because we spend more time curled up in front of the TV indulging in comfort food, the end result is the same. Luckily, with a bit of planning and dedication, it is possible to keep your metabolism up and running through the winter. Here is how:
Sign Up for Group Yoga
Yoga helps to keep muscles flexible and warm regardless of the weather. And, it is a great workout that is sure to amp up your metabolism during and after each class. Consider doing some research into different yoga packages, yoga retreat packages and group yoga therapy in your area. You will be sure to come out of winter looking and feeling your best!
Avoid Fad Diets
Attempting to start a fad diet during winter will likely have a negative impact on your metabolism. Your body will go into starvation mode if you are not eating enough and this will slow down your metabolism substantially. It is much better to exercise more and eat healthily rather than being too restrictive when it comes to your meals.
Drink Water
It is really easy to forget to keep hydrating when the weather drops. This is because we do not often feel thirsty – but that does not mean that we are not! Keeping your metabolism high in winter is extremely dependent on the amount of water you drink. Water fuels the body, so drink up as often as you can!
Janet Haughton Quarshie of Atha Jiva is a certified International Yoga Teacher. She was trained at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai, India, and boasts more than 2,500 hours of intensive teacher training. Janet offers group yoga packages perfect for both beginners and experienced yogis. The 8 Week Mindful Yoga Sessions take place on Saturday from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm and Saturday from 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm. You pay just $100,00 for 8 sessions! Get in touch now for further details.