Start With Breath

And Unfold Into Your Best Self

Start With Breath

And Unfold Into Your Best Self

Start With Breath

And Unfold Into Your Best Self

A green background with the word " ethos five ".

As your Mindful Therapist, I would like to help you establish the mindset and practice the behaviors that will help you achieve your Health and Wellness Goals.

At Atha Jiva Mindful Therapy and Wellness we provide expert guidance for individuals who are seeking clinically proven interventions as well as holistic practices for managing stress, anxiety, and depression. Together in therapeutic alliance we create customized Daily Practices that not only facilitate growth, but also empowerment of Body, Mind, and Spirit.

What is Atha Jiva?

Atha Jiva is a mindset.
Atha Jiva is a commitment.
A commitment to go on a journey.
A journey not to find yourself but towards knowing Yourself.
A journey of compassionate uncovering, experiencing, accepting, releasing and expressing who
you really and truly are.
Atha Jiva is a journey that requires a mindset shift. A shift to The present, The Now, and a
Commitment to come fully alive in the moment to initiate the key that will set you on your own
individual path to
Your most

What you are seeking is not outside of is already in you!

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